Fun and Amusing Facts About Transcription

Sep 18, 2024 | Digital Transcription

Transcription may seem like a straightforward job, but it’s filled with quirky and entertaining aspects that many people might not realise. As a UK-based transcriptionist, I’ve gathered some fun facts that showcase the lighter side of our profession!

1. The Speed Challenge

Typing Competitions: Did you know that some transcriptionists can type over 100 words per minute? That’s faster than the average person can even think! Imagine racing against the clock while trying to keep up with a fast-talking speaker.

2. The Art of Eavesdropping

Professional Eavesdroppers: Transcriptionists often joke that we’re like professional eavesdroppers. We get to hear all sorts of conversations, from serious business meetings to hilarious anecdotes, all while remaining unseen!

3. The “Transcriptionist’s Dictionary”

Unique Terminology: Every industry has its jargon, and transcriptionists often encounter some truly bizarre terms. From medical abbreviations to legalese, we’ve seen it all. Sometimes, we have to look up words that sound made up—like “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis”—just to get it right!

4. The Power of Punctuation

Punctuation is Key: A single comma can change the meaning of a sentence entirely. For example, “Let’s eat, Grandma!” versus “Let’s eat Grandma!” It’s a transcriptionist’s job to ensure that every punctuation mark is in its rightful place to avoid any culinary misunderstandings!

5. Accidental Comedy Gold

Funny Misunderstandings: Sometimes, transcriptionists encounter humorous miscommunications. A speaker might say “I need to get my car fixed,” but if we mishear it, it could come out as “I need to get my cat fixed.” Oops!

6. The Variety Show

Diverse Content: One day, you might be transcribing a serious legal deposition, and the next, you could be working on a light-hearted podcast about gardening. This variety keeps the job fresh and exciting!

7. The Soundtrack of Life

Audio Adventures: Transcriptionists often listen to a wide range of audio, from interviews to webinars and everything in between. It’s like having a front-row seat to a concert of voices and stories, all while working!

8. The Secret Life of a Transcriptionist

Behind the Scenes: Many people don’t realise that transcriptionists often work in their pyjamas! The comfort of home can lead to some amusing situations, like forgetting to mute the microphone during a snack break.

9. The Quest for Clarity

Muffled Moments: We often have to decipher audio that sounds like it was recorded in a wind tunnel. It’s a bit like being a detective, piecing together clues to figure out what’s being said!

10. The Joy of Completion

Satisfaction Guaranteed: There’s something immensely satisfying about finishing a long transcription project. It’s like crossing the finish line of a marathon—complete with a virtual medal for a job well done!


Transcription may be a serious profession, but it’s also filled with fun, laughter, and unexpected moments.

Whether you’re a fellow transcriptionist or just curious about the field, I hope these amusing facts bring a smile to your face and shed light on the quirky side of our work!

Some of The Tools I Use

Asana, Adobe Pro DC, Buffer, Canva, Dropbox, Evernote, Gmail Calendar, Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, OneDrive), Hootsuite

Invoicely, LastPass, Linkedin, Outlook, RecurPost, Twitter, Facebook, Lumen5, SmarterQueue, SurveyMonkey, Todoist, Toggl, Trello, WeTransfer.